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De Club

Co-curated by Jasmín

Quote from the artist(s):

I finally reached De School after a whole day of travelling due to the cancellation of my direct flight, which then became with three stopovers. I arrived around midnight at the airport, quite exhausted, very tired... but from the moment I entered DS, I already felt that the energy of this place was recharging me, with a warm welcome and amazing and supportive staff.

It was still a few hours before my performance, so I asked for a tour of the place, seeing the other stage, the exhibition areas, the restaurant, and the garden.. The latter particularly impresses me, especially after they told me how it was set up in the summer, creating a magical and enchanting atmosphere. What really amazed me about De School were the aesthetic details, the welcome, the positive vibe and the smiling faces of the people... so many things that made me feel at ease, giving 100% during the performance, surrounded by friends and people enjoying one of the last moments of that wonderful club. It was simply a unique experience that I will always carry in my heart.

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