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My De School debut was at Het Muzieklokaal (a Sunday's weekender) - and all the stars aligned. Can't explain what happened and why - but all these heartfelt people surrounded me and supported me - Carista smiling and squeezing me, Woody92 sat behind me like an uncle inspecting and making sure I didn't play my entire set with the cross fader on with messy gain staging - CCL was in the crowd vibing hard and I really respected their sets so it felt special to meet for the first time in this context. My favorite dutchies like Eversines, Pieter Jansen, and close friends all there to show face. It was a gorgeous display of community and support. Something that gave me so much hope in the scene and belonging to it <3. My last track was a dnb calibre track that meant the world to me when I was younger - and when I played it everyone felt what I always did listening to the track. PURE BLISS.
Impossible to forget this experience. It felt like every single person in the room was howling and clapping in the breakdown for the last minute. That was really the moment I am constantly chasing after - and probably will continue pushing for - many years to come.